Salmon and Trout fishing Reserve5966 Visits
Salmon and Trout fishing Reserve5280 Visits
Salmon and Trout fishing Reserve6001 Visits
4052 Visits
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Region / State:Northern IrelandProvince:DownLocation:Warrenpoint
Website: 1:44 (0)28 41772775
Address:3 Great Georges Avenue, Warrenpoint, County Down
Postal Code:BT34 3HY
Last update:2017-12-01 19:09:48
With Oriel Angling its more than just the fish in this area of outstanding natural beauty. From arrival to departure you are certain of a invaluable experience in the art of fishing in Ireland. In the interest of conserving of our most valuable assets, Oriel Angling encourages Catch & Release. All our guides are trained in the best practice of returning fish to water alive with as little stress as possible.
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